Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It is that difficult

relationships.*sigh* any new stuff?
its always about this relationships.i mean, everytime i go out with my guy friends,we never skip the 'girl' talk.
why do we talk about it ever so often? because we went through so much on a relationship sometimes but when it comes to a new girl, its like taking a whole new major course.you have to start from zero.thats right.ZERO

why? could it be true that they say no two girls are the same?well it is true. and since that statement is correct,you can imagine how hard it is to maintain a relationship.

ok now im putting my metaphore into action.lets say girls are like course for example chemical engineering,civil engineering,medics etc etc.all of these courses have a killer subject which sometimes determine whether you want to stick to that course or change it.but sometimes,even if the subject is a knockout,you would do your very best to score.am i right?

and lets say you managed to get your bachelors for that certain course.you would eventually apply for a job that has something to do with the course you took.thus that job will be your monthly income and eventually become your life's work.

girls are like that.people say girls are difficult but try to see girls as courses;
1.they have a 'killer' subject. in other words,FLAWS that you have to deal with.
3.if you dont 'study', you wont be able to 'score'.
4.carry marks are VERY IMPORTANT.so do your assignments :D

so you see.relationships aren't easy to maintain.yes.IT IS THAT DIFFICULT!

2 nonsense:

Wan Izzul Fathi said...

bot hensem! tak tau plak ko ade blog.. koool stuff! :D

Anonymous said...

if girl are like course,so how bout boy/man? they are more than just a course i think.lol.

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