Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quickie! -Cheat-

Wife:How could you cheat on me? I loved you with all my heart.
Husband:Obviously it's your fault.
Wife:What? How is it even my fault?
Husband:Let me ask you a question. Would you ever cheat on me?
Wife:Of course not!
Husband:Then seriously, this is all your fault.
Wife:Oh really? Please tell me what I did to make you cheat?
Husband:Obviously my love for you was enough that you don't feel the need to find other guys. I, on the other hand, finds that your love wasn't enough, so i went and find a bit of love from another woman but seriously, I don't love that woman. I just went out with her because you haven't been given me enough love so I had some love from that woman.

0 nonsense:

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