Saturday, August 7, 2010

Up until now

I have not seem to have a fixed personality. lame huh? well what to do, i'm still learning and growing. but what is it that i meant by fixed personality? fixed personality doesn't mean that its a personality that you tend to follow to solve any problems that faces you.

fixed personality is all about having less doubt in doing something. or in other words, the level of trust you have for yourself. making a choice is always hard, but if you have a fixed personality, you already have an idea on which choice to make. its sorta like a fuse. fuse is a component which reduces the amount of current flowing through. when a high amount of current suddenly flows through, the fuse will do its job by cutting the power supply. so in this situation, the fuse is our fixed personality and the high amount of power is the choices we have to make. like the fuse, if we have a fixed personality, we are prepared to confront what is being thrown at us and believe me, it helps to be prepared.

so how do you actually stick to a personality? easy. its all about trust and believing. still not getting it? man you guys/girls are slow! ok lets put it this way. muslims are not allowed to drink alcohol but sadly, i've seen so many muslims doing so. its simple why it is so. its either, they don't have enough trust or believe in their religion OR they have a corrupted personality that thinks its ok to drink.

so you see boys and girls, its simple. just know what you have to know. believe what you have to believe,what you want to believe, and what you can believe in. you just got to know who's judgement is worrying. like my example, the one who's judging is Allah. if you don't worry about His judgement, go ahead :)

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