Friday, October 22, 2010

What is

life without a little risk? i know what! its called meaningless. I know you all see this coming. all the followers would be like " oh my.. Feek is going to write something about love again..." well if you don't like it, feel free to get lost!

Falling in and out of love is painful. really it is. but that doesn't go for both side actually. what im trying to say is that, it could be the male who is feeling the pain, or the female, or both. so the solution is? don't fall in love?


the solution is to deal with the pain! phheeww what a psycho..who would actually deal with pain when they can avoid it? well let me tell you all something, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

sure, a broken heart is a broken soul but guys/girls, its broken but it doesn't mean it couldn't be fixed. you found someone, and let you yourself judge whether or not that person is the one for you. you approach. don't chicken out! if the person respond, plan your next move. if the respond is positive, plan out. if its negative, decide whether or not the person is worth the time that you're gonna waste to chase.weigh out the chances.

fall in love.allow yourself to fall in love, be it secretly or openly. do things! i confess, i once said this to my friend recently "i love her", and he was like "how do you know its love? don't be foolish. i've been through what you are going through right now. you still need to learn a lot more". resting my head the table, i looked up to him and said "yes, you're right. I do have a lot to learn. I don't know much, but dude, I know that this much is true"

people, make your life work.don't let life itself make you work.

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