Saturday, September 24, 2011

Not everything is

what it seems. ok so before i start this, not many of you are familiar with the Johari's window. the Johari's window is used for a test to measure your self disclosure. self disclosure are things you reveal about yourself with someone, usually done when you move into a relationship. Johari's window is divided into 4 parts. as you can see in the picture below, there is the open area, blind area, hidden area and unknown area.

here's the best part. these parts are used not only to measure your self disclosure but also to build your self esteem. since all the points given to put in this parts are mostly positive, except for the unknown area which usually consist of terminal illness that we do not know of, it shows that we can motivate ourselves from this theory.

open area(the points about yourself and others are aware of)= this area is more likely to be the points that you want to show people and succeeded. the things about yourself that you want others to judge you from it are usually included in this area. congratulate yourself if you manage to get a lot in this column.

blind area(the points that others are aware but you are not)= this area consist of the points that people perceive on you. these points are not all true since i believe that no one knows yourself more than you. these are the points you need to take note of. it can be either way. if its positive, then try your best to maintain that perception of others towards you. if its negative, change yourself so that it would not be so obvious.

hidden area(the points that you are aware but others are not)= wouldn't be called secret if you share it but this is all about self. if its positive, let people know about it. furthermore, these points can be made up, and usually made up, by yourself to create that sense of motivation to drive you towards that positive point.

unknown area(you and others are not aware of it)= this column is actually stupid to me. so ignore it please.

so you see people, just because Johari's window is used to test the level of self disclosure, doesn't you can't use it for other things. not everything is what it seems

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