Friday, September 23, 2011

What is ours

doesn't remain ours forever. for example, i lost a helmet today. i was so shocked but nevertheless, i need to ride back home. good thing i have an extra helmet. anyways, as i rode back home, i remembered of all the things that i once lost.

i once lost my grandfather's watch, which my dad was deciding whether to give me or not. i was nine. when my mum told me that my dad was thinking of giving it to me, i got too excited that i took it without permission. then i went to this thing in school at night, they gave free food. we had prayers then we left. only when i finished my prayers that i realized i lost the watch. on the way back, i begged my mum not to tell my dad but she said she has to. so knowing my dad would be so furious, i asked my mum "can i eat first?" because i know, once he gets mad at me, i wouldn't have any chance to eat.

this is the first thing i lost that i can remember up until today. now the reason i post this not because i remembered that i lost a lot of things in the past when i lost this helmet of mine. it made me realize something. one moment you have something that is yours.the other moment it's gone. something we own can disappear in a matter of time. what about things that isn't ours?

you see people, life is something that is not ours. it's been given by God to show Him what path we choose if we were to be given free will. life is God's. it is His. since we can lose a phone or a wallet, something that belongs to us, with a blink of an eye, what makes you think that we can't lose something that isn't ours? what makes you think you can't lose your life?

people die. in accidents. in car crashes. illnesses. and i don't think they really know when they are gonna die. and unfortunately, so do you.

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